First acquire large glass jars - kilner jars work well - with necks wide enough to allow you to put your hand inside. The top of the jar can be covered with some muslin cloth or nylon mesh secured with a rubber band or piece of string. A draining rack will be required to allow the jars to drain at an angle of 45 degrees.

Alternatively proper sprouting jars are available in health food shops which make the whole process much easier and ensures better results. Special sprouting trays - usually a series of round or square tiers, which fit neatly into one another are also obtainable - normal seed trays also work.

Place required amount of seeds, beans, grains, etc in a container, allowing the water you will be soaking them in to generously cover by two or three inches above mass of sproutable item. Soak approximately eight hours, a little longer won't hurt. Drain and rinse under running water, rinse thoroughly so that the seeds are churned around by the water's action. This will remove any wild yeasts which may be present in the soak water. (Adding a half teaspoon of kelp powder to this soak water enhances their nutrition). Drain off all water residue by placing at a 45 degree angle. Place sprouts somewhere pleasant for them to grow.

Sunny windowsills, radiators and hot water heaters should be avoided as these will dry the sprouts out and put them under stress. In the winter time cold draughts and frosts should be avoided. Sprouts do best in temperatures and humidity which feel best for us. The worktop of most warm, sufficiently ventilated kitchens is best for successful sprouting.

Rinse and drain sprouts once each day for the next two to five days or until they are ready to eat. In hot weather it will be necessary to rinse tem twice each day.

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